Wednesday, April 6, 2011


For those who continue to follow my blog, I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was very tired and decided to not write because of the intense exhaustion that I felt. Today though, I've decided to cover something that seems a little contradictory. Why is it that guys fight so hard to get married, but then bitch about their "ball and chain." All you ever hear is that the man is tired of the constant nagging that comes from his wife. I could understand not enjoying that, but it's more annoying for us than the nagging. Then comes the guys that are sad because they are alone! Make up your minds! I could understand being lonely and sad, but then the people who bitch about their wife bitching is almost like a backhanded slap to those lonely guys out their that are better for that women then the idiot she married. In my opinion you should be happy with what you have. If you are married to the women you love, and she says no to you going out every night with your friends, don't complain about it and make money off of it (Billy Gardell). I'm sick of hearing sob stories on both side of the equation. Let's just be happy wherever you are. Besides, if no women loves you, God always does. His love is more important anyway. A little bit of a rant, but I think that the guy population, me included, need to be more appreciative of what we have going in our lives. We have plenty of food (again Billy Gardell can check this off his list-he's got to way four hundred pounds), shelter, clean water, a government that doesn't put us in concentration camps, and educational systems. I'm listening Lupe Fiasco's new song Words I Never Said, so I probably should stop writing before I say something that people will find extremely offensive about our government, food consumption, or educational system. Quote of the Day: "Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command." Alan Watts. I feel that our society has forgotten this.

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