Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another day has past and the second addition of my blog is here. Today was like any other Sunday. Sleep till noon do homework and watch movies so nothing exciting came from this. I was talking to my friends Billy and Brian yesterday evening as we were eating sanwhiches and soup at a place called Noodles & Company. I don't really recomend it. My Philly cheese steak sandwhich was amazing, but the soup wasn't amazing. We got onto the topic of the movie Sucker Punch. It was an amazing movie, in my opinion. The plot was marvelous, the action was amazing, and the actors We discussed the role of sex in the film and it was kind of hypocritical even if it didn't mean to be. The whole movie was against this giant brothel that forced these women against into it against their will and made them "entertain" highly paid men in the community. So it is against sex. But on the other hand, the movies whole value was based on five gorgeous women jumping around in very tight and very little clothing. Selling sex. We might have been looking into it a little too much because in retrospect, the attractivness of the women were not the main points of the movie. Another interesting thing we discussed was why does society listen to such shitty music!!! I mean seriously, you heard the Black Eyed Peas perform at the Super Bowl!!! It was like if Rebecca Black made a song with Justin Bieber! Ok I'm sorry if I just put a image into your head that is just as bad as the Human Centipede (check it out if you have no idea what this is :)) but why don't people listen to good music? Is it the beat? Is it the degrading, mysogimistic, and violent lyrics? Or is it the fact that your friends listen to it? I don't know, but I do think society is getting better. Bands like Muse and Mumford & Sons are getting more spotlight latley which goes to show that people are sick of the Black Eyed Peas, Flo Ridas, and Auburns (If you don't know her songs check out It's All About Him, catchy as hell, but still). Now that i'm done sounding like an old guy that doesn't want these interloper children frolicking all over my damn lawn, I'll move to something else. GOOOO BUTLER! They have got to be the best coached team in the country. Matt Howard might be the coolest basketball player ever. If it's not his goofy afro thing he has going, it's his pirate moustache. I'd kill to be able to grow that moustache. It's proven fact that people with moustaches have more friends then people who don't. Kemba Walker might have more friends than Matt Howard, but that's just because he is Simba off of the Lion King in disguise. The next few blogs may be a little more serious than this one, but it is nice to have one that is kind of goofy every now and again. Quote Of The Day: The dumb will have to use what the wise men say - Sir Winston Churchill. Oh shoot.


  1. So i read an interview recently where someone asked Zack Snyder, the director/cowriter of Sucker Punch, why he dressed the actresses so scantily. And he said, "I didn't dress them that way, you did". That's what we as an audience have grown to WANT to see in a movie. He would have been just fine with putting them in normal clothes, but he knew that the audience wouldn't like that at all. He is just giving his audience what they want. I love Zack Snyder, he is by far one of my favorite directors, and Sucker Punch is my favorite movie.

  2. Ah I see. That makes sense. I wasn't really complaining, but it seemed hypocritical kind of. Zack Snyder knows what he is doing. It's interesting to hear that perspective.
