Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello friends! I have decided to start blogging about what I have learned or whatever I feel like during the day. I really would like a lot of people to read this so please tell everyone you know about this because it will probably be awesome!!! But seriously, today was an interesting day. I watched the show The Boondock Saints which really had some interesting ideas in it. Killing the scum of the Earth seems to be what these guys do best. How interesting. I have heard of crimes that have made me think that I could kill these people, but I don't think it is right to do so. Vigilantism is an amazing idea, but who says what good and evil is? If you are a Christian, God lays down the laws, but other religions say otherwise. Some religions say kill everyone who is not one of them. It is not okay to kill people even if they have commited hanus crimes. I have felt imense anomosity for the likes of BTK and Ted Bundy and believed that they should be killed for the horrible things that they did to the women that they victomized. Disgusting. I don't think we should be able to play God and determine who shall live and who shall perish. Where was I? Oh yes, The Boondock Saints. I could see this being possible. What if the criminal justice system was running a small core of vigilantes? What if they were telling us lies in the media? *Gasp* The media wouldn't do that would they? Ugh I've gotten too political for a Friday night. Well, I just took a break from writing this to get some BK. When we got there we ordered like any normal night, but when we recieved our food something amazing happened! "You wanna drive around a few times to get some free pies." Hell yeah we do!!! Evidently the time wasn't very good that night so he needed something to help it. It may be a little unethical, but free pies are free pies. Quote To Think About: Marilyn Manson may be a little odd, but he sure did get something right (other than his rendition of Sweet Dreams). When commenting on the Columbine Shooting he was asked what he would've said to the teens who committed the crime. "I wouldn't say a single word. I would listen to what they had to say, and that's what they say." Very good point Mr. or Mrs. Manson.

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