Wednesday, April 6, 2011


For those who continue to follow my blog, I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was very tired and decided to not write because of the intense exhaustion that I felt. Today though, I've decided to cover something that seems a little contradictory. Why is it that guys fight so hard to get married, but then bitch about their "ball and chain." All you ever hear is that the man is tired of the constant nagging that comes from his wife. I could understand not enjoying that, but it's more annoying for us than the nagging. Then comes the guys that are sad because they are alone! Make up your minds! I could understand being lonely and sad, but then the people who bitch about their wife bitching is almost like a backhanded slap to those lonely guys out their that are better for that women then the idiot she married. In my opinion you should be happy with what you have. If you are married to the women you love, and she says no to you going out every night with your friends, don't complain about it and make money off of it (Billy Gardell). I'm sick of hearing sob stories on both side of the equation. Let's just be happy wherever you are. Besides, if no women loves you, God always does. His love is more important anyway. A little bit of a rant, but I think that the guy population, me included, need to be more appreciative of what we have going in our lives. We have plenty of food (again Billy Gardell can check this off his list-he's got to way four hundred pounds), shelter, clean water, a government that doesn't put us in concentration camps, and educational systems. I'm listening Lupe Fiasco's new song Words I Never Said, so I probably should stop writing before I say something that people will find extremely offensive about our government, food consumption, or educational system. Quote of the Day: "Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command." Alan Watts. I feel that our society has forgotten this.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Every morning we wake up and get ready for the day, but we always think of that dream that we had. Sometimes we look back and think "wow that was horrifying, what is wrong with our minds," and are glad it is over. On the other hand though, sometimes we wake up and wish that we would never awaken from that dream. I've had a lot of those lately. Last week was that way almost every day. These dreams make it hard to want to go through the day knowing that it won't be as good as what is going on in your dreaming subconscious. This has frustrated me lately. How do we know that this world isn't a dream world and the dream world is actually real? Sometimes we remember bits and pieces of the dream when we awake. Also we can remember bits of the "real world" in our dreams. What if, we were actually apart of two worlds, as Plato suggested, but one was a "dream world" and the other the "real world." This idea would answer the question of reoccurring dreams. We actually are reliving the world. Unfortunately, psychology debunks this idea, so it is nothing more than a dream (see what I did there). I was just trying to be like the Plato's, Thales, and Heraclitus of the day. Funny thing happened at Wal Mart today. It's kind of pathetic how many stories I have that could start that way. My roommate, Ben, and I were walking out carrying his Diet Dr. Pepper and chicken wings when we saw the strangest sight. An older man, probably around the age of fifty five was pushing a cart around. Nothing out of the ordinary, except what he did next. He jumped onto the bottom edge of the cart and rode it the whole fifty yards to his car! At first I was like, "what the hell is wrong with this guy," but then I started to think, this isn't exactly a bad thing. A lot of people get so caught up in life that they don't spend time to be a kid! This strange man was probably reliving something that he wanted to do so many years ago! Why not jump on the bed every now and then? Another thing he showed me was that it doesn't really matter what people think of you. He did something that is considered...well, just plain weird, and he did it right in the parking lot of Wal Mart! I'm not going to go out and do that, but I think I will take more time to act like a kid so I don't get too engaged into serious life. Watching this tournament this year has been tough. There has been upsets galore, and anyone who bet on this tournament was probably in some trouble. It just goes to show that the parody is happening in college basketball. One thing kind of bothers me though, the fact that teams like Kansas and Ohio State didn't get to play in an epic clash of titans is a little disheartening to me. Both of those teams deserved to play in a national championship game that they earned after working hard and performing well over a body of work, not just six games. Don't get me wrong, I love the tournament! I think nothing should be changed, but I think that they should add a BCS type playoff system after (or before) the big dance. They could have the two best teams play, then the champions of each conference play each other. Like Big 12 vs. Acc or Big East vs. Pac 10. Also the smaller conferences could play each other. Like the MAC vs. Colonial. I just think they need to do more to give the schools that worked incredibly hard and did it over a thirty game season more glory. I love watching the stories like VCU unfold! But when it comes at the cost of some other schools having a lot of turmoil because the other team got hot and say Duke was off their game, it's really not fair to the program. I'm really tired tonight so that is all. Comment whatever you like, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Another day has past and the second addition of my blog is here. Today was like any other Sunday. Sleep till noon do homework and watch movies so nothing exciting came from this. I was talking to my friends Billy and Brian yesterday evening as we were eating sanwhiches and soup at a place called Noodles & Company. I don't really recomend it. My Philly cheese steak sandwhich was amazing, but the soup wasn't amazing. We got onto the topic of the movie Sucker Punch. It was an amazing movie, in my opinion. The plot was marvelous, the action was amazing, and the actors We discussed the role of sex in the film and it was kind of hypocritical even if it didn't mean to be. The whole movie was against this giant brothel that forced these women against into it against their will and made them "entertain" highly paid men in the community. So it is against sex. But on the other hand, the movies whole value was based on five gorgeous women jumping around in very tight and very little clothing. Selling sex. We might have been looking into it a little too much because in retrospect, the attractivness of the women were not the main points of the movie. Another interesting thing we discussed was why does society listen to such shitty music!!! I mean seriously, you heard the Black Eyed Peas perform at the Super Bowl!!! It was like if Rebecca Black made a song with Justin Bieber! Ok I'm sorry if I just put a image into your head that is just as bad as the Human Centipede (check it out if you have no idea what this is :)) but why don't people listen to good music? Is it the beat? Is it the degrading, mysogimistic, and violent lyrics? Or is it the fact that your friends listen to it? I don't know, but I do think society is getting better. Bands like Muse and Mumford & Sons are getting more spotlight latley which goes to show that people are sick of the Black Eyed Peas, Flo Ridas, and Auburns (If you don't know her songs check out It's All About Him, catchy as hell, but still). Now that i'm done sounding like an old guy that doesn't want these interloper children frolicking all over my damn lawn, I'll move to something else. GOOOO BUTLER! They have got to be the best coached team in the country. Matt Howard might be the coolest basketball player ever. If it's not his goofy afro thing he has going, it's his pirate moustache. I'd kill to be able to grow that moustache. It's proven fact that people with moustaches have more friends then people who don't. Kemba Walker might have more friends than Matt Howard, but that's just because he is Simba off of the Lion King in disguise. The next few blogs may be a little more serious than this one, but it is nice to have one that is kind of goofy every now and again. Quote Of The Day: The dumb will have to use what the wise men say - Sir Winston Churchill. Oh shoot.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello friends! I have decided to start blogging about what I have learned or whatever I feel like during the day. I really would like a lot of people to read this so please tell everyone you know about this because it will probably be awesome!!! But seriously, today was an interesting day. I watched the show The Boondock Saints which really had some interesting ideas in it. Killing the scum of the Earth seems to be what these guys do best. How interesting. I have heard of crimes that have made me think that I could kill these people, but I don't think it is right to do so. Vigilantism is an amazing idea, but who says what good and evil is? If you are a Christian, God lays down the laws, but other religions say otherwise. Some religions say kill everyone who is not one of them. It is not okay to kill people even if they have commited hanus crimes. I have felt imense anomosity for the likes of BTK and Ted Bundy and believed that they should be killed for the horrible things that they did to the women that they victomized. Disgusting. I don't think we should be able to play God and determine who shall live and who shall perish. Where was I? Oh yes, The Boondock Saints. I could see this being possible. What if the criminal justice system was running a small core of vigilantes? What if they were telling us lies in the media? *Gasp* The media wouldn't do that would they? Ugh I've gotten too political for a Friday night. Well, I just took a break from writing this to get some BK. When we got there we ordered like any normal night, but when we recieved our food something amazing happened! "You wanna drive around a few times to get some free pies." Hell yeah we do!!! Evidently the time wasn't very good that night so he needed something to help it. It may be a little unethical, but free pies are free pies. Quote To Think About: Marilyn Manson may be a little odd, but he sure did get something right (other than his rendition of Sweet Dreams). When commenting on the Columbine Shooting he was asked what he would've said to the teens who committed the crime. "I wouldn't say a single word. I would listen to what they had to say, and that's what they say." Very good point Mr. or Mrs. Manson.